Teleflora Flower Shop Point of Sale FAQ
Best in Class Florist POS Solutions

Custom Solutions Based on Your Needs
Teleflora understands how important it is to provide quality customer service. We are committed to making sure you have all the necessary tools to make your business a success.
Ensure on time flower delivery, contact customers and much more with our point of sale options.

What Orders Can I Accept with Teleflora?
Our point of sale solutions are full-featured to meet your business needs. Whether walk-in customers looking to order local delivery flower arrangements, or send flowers across the country. With Teleflora, you can accept any type of order to better serve your customers.
Easily process Teleflora or third-party floral network orders with our wire service integration features.
Accept walk-in, phone, wire service and web orders.
Accept local delivery and pick up orders.
Schedule recurring standing orders.
Easily send orders outside of your delivery area to other Teleflora network florists.
Accept cash, debit and credit cards, contactless payments such as Apple Pay, even create custom methods of payments for your system.
Teleflora ensures you can accept any flower order, regardless of its destination. Helping you guarantee service to new and existing customers.

Can I Track and Manage Order Deliveries?
Having their flowers delivered on time is important to your customers. We provide you with the most advanced tools to help you manage your busy schedule.
Assign drivers, view delivery statuses, complete and confirm deliveries all from one easy-to-use app.
With our web-based eDelivery Mobile Management app, track and manage deliveries in real time using your mobile device.
Get turn by turn directions, contact recipients, even enter employee time clock punches right from a phone or tablet!
eDelivery Mobile Management gives you access to important delivery management tools and features right at your fingertips.

Can I Email Customers?
Send customers account statements electronically and spread the word about flower and gift delivery with our comprehensive marketing tools!
Email customer house account statements or bill completely online with an eFlorist Managed Website.
Create detailed, engaging campaigns quickly and easily using your shop’s customer database.
Send customized marketing emails.
Print marketing letters, post cards, mailing labels and marketing list with our advanced marketing features.
Drive business and ensure success with the most powerful marketing tools in the industry!