Bill your customers, accept debit and credit card account payments online with Teleflora Point of Sale and eFlorist services!
Technology is constantly evolving. As it does, so do the needs of businesses and customers. From ordering flowers online to secure contactless payments, new technology means new expectations for flower shops.
The ability to view monthly statements and make payments completely online are the most common expectations. Whether a customer is looking to conveniently make a payment, or a shop owner looking to run more efficiently, online billing is a convenient tool for saving time and money.
Always Accessible Account Information
Technology changes at a rapid pace but one thing that remains the same is a focus on convenience and accessibility. Checking the weather, reading the latest news or paying bills, technology puts it all at our fingertips. Teleflora works to provide the same convenience to our members and their customers.
With a Teleflora POS system, shops can securely upload customer account statements to their eFlorist managed website:
- Customers who have created an eFlorist account may then login at any time to download monthly statements or submit account payments.
- Payments are automatically reported to your shop for final processing through your point of sale system.
- Billing your customers online not only saves time. It also saves you money on paper!

Customer Account Info displays Current Balance Due and option to download electronic statements.
Secure Account Access and Payment Processing
One of the biggest concerns for customers today is security. From accessing confidential account information to secure payment options, ensuring customer trust is vital to your business.
Customers can rest assured that their personal information is secure with your shop and Teleflora’s eFlorist services.
- Each eFlorist customer account is assigned a unique account ID. These account IDs report to your POS system to connect with a customer’s in-store account. This means account information is only shared between the customer and your shop.
- Customer credit and debit card information receives an additional layer of security through strict data encryption. This payment information transmits to your shop for final secure payment processing.

The most advanced flower shop solutions in the industry.
Teleflora point of sale systems are full-featured to provide you the tools necessary for running your business smoothly and efficiently.
- Online tools and features including:
- Delivery Management
- Account Billing and Payments
- Order Entry
With our commitment to security, your customers can rest easy knowing their information is protected at every step. You can rest easy knowing your business is backed by the most secure floral technology solutions in the industry.
- Secure POS features include:
- Customer Database with daily backups.
- EMV Payment Card Processing and Contactless Payments.
- Customer email and text communication.
For questions or to become a Teleflora network member, contact us today to set up a free demo!