eFlorist membership is exclusively available to partner members of the Teleflora Network.

Teleflora is the world’s largest floral delivery service for consumers, and we send all our orders to local florists. We are proud to have been connecting customers with the nation’s best florists for more than 81 years. With over 10,000 member florists throughout the U.S. and Canada and an additional 20,000 affiliated florists outside North America, we’ve created this extensive Teleflora network to ensure a seamless experience and exceptional service for your customers.
Within Teleflora network, we provide numerous resources for our local member florists – a one-stop support to all our member florists for marketing, merchandising, technology and floral education. We are dedicated to creating sales for floral business entrepreneurs and work hand in hand with our florists to grow their business profitably and sustainably.
Teleflora gives florists access to member services, including:
- Access to fresh flowers
- Magazine subscriptions
- Advertising, PR tools, and various marketing kits
- Online design tutorials focused on the latest floral trends
- Unit Programs across the US that hold local floral events and education scholarships to local florists
- eFlorist online customized website and digital marketing service
- Point of sale technology and website integration
At Teleflora, we strongly support the growth of our local member florists through a wide variety of resources, products and services that compliment and improve upon your flower shop and the quality of service you offer your customers. Join our network today and let us show you how we can help you grow your floral business!
eFlorist by Teleflora:
Teleflora offers robust eCommerce solutions to fit your floral needs. eFlorist, Teleflora’s website design services exclusive to the floral industry, provide everything a florist needs to have a fully functioning sales platform online. We specialize in offering robust solutions like our florist website features and florist marketing solutions.